
02-12-10 Titusville FL – The final day(?????)

[Rick] Imagine that you are in a distant city, you know no one, and you do not have a car to go anywhere. You are in a typical hotel room and are told that you must go into a room the size of a bathroom and wait for the next 12 hours. You are allowed to take a book or a bunch of Sudoku puzzles, a peanut butter sandwich, and several cold beverages. You would probably not have an exciting day, no matter how creative you are.

Well, that is exactly how we spent the day. We were not in a bathroom, but trapped on our boat. The temperature was low 50’s, winds about 20kts, and it rained all day, about 2 inches worth. We were captives on the boat. We at least have the back den so that one of us can “get away” from the other for a few minutes, but it was cold. We used the little ceramic heater in the den and the boat heater for the main cabin. Trying to find a something good in this situation, we are lucky that we are not in the panhandle. They got SNOW today while we just got rain.

Thus, we spent the day reading and working puzzles. In addition, this marina does not have free wifi. We determined that due to our watching so much video about the space shuttle, we have used about 80% of our monthly allowance of use on our air card in only 8 days. Thus, since we need to save bandwidth, we cannot surf the web as a means of distraction. Bummer. I read one of the Spenser novels by Robert Parker. Betsy is enthralled by a thriller by Wendy Corsi Staub.

We had planned to move today. But, the weather where we were going was worse than the weather here, and we elected to stay here. We were going to New Smyrna Beach and on to Daytona. We have now decided to leave tomorrow and go straight to Daytona. The Daytona 500 is this weekend, but we have reservations and shouldn’t be affected, even though Sarah Palin is in town! The ride to Daytona is about 45 miles.

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