Here’s a picture of Beamer, depressed after days without sun. (Remember, her full name is "Sunbeam Chaser!"
And here’s a picture of Rick, depressed being stuck here with nothing to do.
Once we pulled out, the sky did clear for a while, and we carefully worked our way through what is called “Canoe Channel.” Could that name be because it is so narrow nothing but a canoe should pass through it? But it is the marked preferred route, so we had no choice. This red and green combination lets you know you are
The next image is as we approach the entrance, and then a picture while we are actually in the channel. I was sitting on the bow at this point, and was glad that the water is so clear you can see that the rocks go straight down on both sides. The charted depth is about 8 feet, but it is the narrowness that is scary. And our 8.5 foot beam is much smaller than most boats that do this!!!
Around the next bend was the marina that we had been told was now accepting transients, and that we wouldn’t have any trouble getting in to because it was a well kept secret. Well, it wasn’t a secret this weekend! There were hundreds of people on the bank leading up to a grand hotel, and the docks were jammed full of “cottagers,” the term for people that own these cottages on these islands. There must have been some kind of festival going on, and the marina wouldn’t even answer our call on the VHF radio. By now, approximately 1300 hours, the sky was sunny and the wind was calm.
So now we had a choice to make. We could go farther up a channel inland and hope to find a place to stay (there were several options), or make the outside run to Byng Inlet, about 17 miles total. We decided to make the outside run, and it was a good decision. The sky was sunny the whole way and the seas were very comfortable swells at a most favorable angle.
In spite of the nearly continuous bad weather, when we are able to travel we see nothing but beauty. We are still amazed by the houses built on rocks, or the single house on an island by itself. I spoke to one of the “cottagers” yesterday (she was doing her laundry here at the marina). Her house is on an island by itself that her husband’s grandfather bought in the early 1900s from the Canadian Railroad Company for pennies an acre. Hers has no power other than solar panels and propane. Like those of us that knew the old Topsail Beach style of living with no telephone, no
Still, we marvel at the lone cottage with all the “toys”…note the boat, the floatplane, etc. in this picture.
We arrived at Byng Inlet, which takes you into the tiny town of Britt, about mid afternoon. The channel leading to Wright’s Marina in Britt is narrow and beautiful, and the sun was still shining. I have to mention this because we are seeing so little sun!

Our plan was to leave this morning, go outside again for a 20+ mile run to Collins Inlet which
Look on the bright side: We haven’t hit a rock hard enough to do any damage...which reminds me...let me backtrack a bit. Way back in Trenton, at the very beginning of the Trent-Severn Waterway, we met the boat "Whiskers," a power catamaran even smaller than we are. You may remember the picture of them and Maurice's boat "Quotidian" along with us, and we were so proud to be the biggest boat in the marina for a change. Well, Whiskers (not members of the official looper association) went on ahead of us, and ended up getting to Killbear a week before us. As they were leaving Killbear, moving at about 10 MPH, they hit a rock and ruined the lower units of both of their outboards. They have been at Killbear for a week, and expect to be there another week waiting for parts and insurance settlement. Remember, Killbear is where there is no phone, no internet, no TV, one very expensive restaurant, and nowhere to go. Needless to say, Linda and Deke on Whiskers are bordering on deep depression. She is barely speaking, he prattles on non-stop about that stupid uncharted rock that he came 2,000 miles to find. And remember, they're on a boat smaller than ours and its been raining a lot!
SOOOO, we have much to be thankful for. We are still enjoying ourselves for the most part. I’m getting a lot of reading done (right now I’m in the middle of re-reading The Heart is a Lonely Hunter which I had read in high school).
Don’t look for any more blogs until the skies clear and the winds calm!!
Guess there's no where to set up jigsaw puzzle or a sun lamp on a boat, huh!! Oh well, this too shall pass...meaning the dreary, unproductive days...someone told me that when you are in a season of quiet, when nothing seems to be happening, take full advantage of it and rest, because the next season might be very busy and strenous and you need to come into 'bout bird you do any of that?? Got to be some neat new birds up there for your Life List. Still enjoying your trip vicariously, chin up, Anne