Betsy speaks: We had another rather blah day on the Tenn-Tom Waterway, leaving Pirate’s Marina Cove shortly after 8AM and travelling 90 miles to Demopolis, AL, through two locks. It was a beautiful sunny day, though a little windy. We cheerfully wished each lockmaster Happy Thanksgiving, and joked with a couple of barges we passed about whether they had any turkey for us. For lunch Rick had a peanut butter sandwich, and I had a small can of tuna and some cheese crackers.

About mid-way we passed the white cliffs of Epes, which were surely the most striking scenery on the entire Tenn-Tom. The only description I can find of them is simply that they are white chalk cliffs. They seem to just come up out of nowhere. I’m sure there’s some geological explanation but I can’t find it. Anyway, they were interesting.

We arrived at Demopolis Yacht Harbor at about 3PM. When we radioed in we were told to just tie up at the gas dock, and the dockmaster would be in at about 4PM to tell us where to tie up for the night and to take our money. So we did as we were told and walked ashore to check the place out. We shortly found a lounge/clubhouse for use by live aboards and transients such as ourselves. We were cheerily invited in to share their Thanksgiving feast! This was a pleasant and welcome surprise. There was quite a spread of turkey and ALL the trimmings, including many desserts. Needless to say, we dug right in. Afterall, what is Thanksgiving without turkey!?

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